Water, they say, is life. Clean water, is life. At Emmanuel Academy Razat, access to clean drinking water is a great challenge, especially during the dry season.
At rainy season, water is not so much of a challenge as we can collect rainwater for drinking, and the wells in the village are usually filled up, but as the rains recede and the dry season approaches, the water levels begin to drop. In a few months after the rains stop completely, most wells become dry, forcing people to begin to scout for water everywhere possible.
The solution most times is usually to go to the miners well (holes left behind by miners after their mining activities which have collected water). These water bodies are most times not hygienic as even cows drink from them, but that is the only available option.
Last dry season, as a school, we started digging a well but could not go far as we hit a large rock in the spot chosen by the well digger (our terrain is very rocky). We tried breaking as well as pouring chemical on it, to no avail. Unfortunately, the rains have set in and we cannot continue to dig, else we would have started in a new location, but we thank God that water has started collecting in the hole dug already. We trust that by the time the rains stop later in the year, we will continue our efforts, most likely in a new spot.
Thank you to everyone who has supported the Emmanuel Academy Well Project; we are very grateful. The Lord reward you abundantly.